
This blog is a space for me to get my ideas out there. Hopefully, some who may wonder across this space, will find my ideas interesting and I would love nothing more than to get feedback and create a forum for discussion.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I love the internet (or do I?)

I cannot even stress how much work I have to do right now. My teachers in their infinite wisdom saw fit to cram the three extra weeks worth of work, lost in the college teachers strike, into the remainder of the semester. I can't give them all of the blame though, as it could easily be said that I lack discipline. Case in point. I should, right now, be researching for an essay I have due this Friday instead I am blogging. Why am I blogging? Because I just discovered a new website that I love. How did I discover this website? Well perhaps I should start at the beginning.

I was over on my teacher's blog and she had a post about Yacht Rock, after going to the site and watching an episode or two (ok it was four), I decided to see what else the site had to offer. Well, I click on one show that had an iTunes logo on it, and wouldn't you know it opened up in iTunes as a video podcast! Now I'm somewhat challenged when it comes to technology and I had no idea that there were any such things as video podcasts, so I decided to peruse further.

To my amazement there are many free video podcasts available from iTunes (I know that this is sounding like an ad for Macintosh right now, forgive me, it's the only software I know). One in particular caught my attention Democracy Now. Now I have heard of Amy Goodman and the Democracy Now project, but the podcast was just under an hour and god only knows how many megs, so before subscribing I decided to do a little research. So I did a quick google blog search and one of the sights I came up with was Common Dreams: Katie Couric Versus Amy Goodman. And after reading the blog entry, I navigated back to the Common Dreams home page for further reading; it was promptly added to my favorites bar. Then, of course,I had to blog about the whole affair.

So long story short, I am no closer to starting my essay, therefore I hate the Internet. However I have discovered a great feature on iTunes and a killer new (to me) website, therefore I love the Internet.


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